Conoscenza lingua straniera INGLESE


13 - 1583 Choose the best phrase to start this sentence: ____ Inverness is in Scotland.
13 - 6951 We seem to be .... for bankruptcy!
13 - 7070 Some new shares have just been ....
13 - 7518 The European Commission yesterday issued a harsh warning to businesses seeking to run cartels by fining eight vitamin producers a total of 855 million Euros (£530 million) for fixing prices for almost a decade. Roche, the Swiss drugs group, was fined 462 million in the highest award to date imposed by the EU on a single company for market abuse. BASF, the German chemical group, was fined 296 million for its part in the cartel, which was known as Vitamins Inc and was exposed in 1999. Both BASF, which described its fine as "inappropriately high", and Roche are considering an appeal. Competition experts said the huge fines underlined the EU's commitment to crackdown on restrictive business practices. Aventis, the French drugs group, escaped fines in connection to two vitamins in return for cooperating with inquiries. Samantha Mobley, EU competition partner at the law firm Baker & McKenzie, said: "It is the first time a company has achieved a 100 per cent reduction in a fine, illustrating the EU's commitment to encourage whistle-blowers". "A harsh warning" is ....
13 - 6925 Which is the correct plural?
13 - 7031 The meeting was .... to another day.
13 - 7073 " He .... it!".


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