Conoscenza lingua straniera INGLESE


27 - 1742 Choose the best way to begin this sentence: ____ our expectations, we found that the bank was quite willing to give us a loan to cover our debts.
27 - 7130 I forgot my keys, so I __________ break the window and climb _____________ .
27 - 6949 Did you agree to take .... the job?
27 - 1381 Choose the best word to complete the following:He never knows where things are and his desk is always in such a mess! He leaves papers everywhere and is always losing his keys. He's just so ____.
27 - 7054 .... he's a good student!
27 - 1591 You are at an office party with your husband and encounter a senior colleague who hasn't met your husband before. What do you say?
27 - 7128 This morning I .... into Tom Brown!


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