Concorso Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.


L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

Quesiti Risposta Multipla

861) Indicare la corretta traduzione. "I know I made a mistake, but you don't have to rub it in".
862) Complete the following sentence. "It's about time you made .... your mind!"
863) Complete the following sentence. "Do you think violent supporters ........... arrested?
864) My neighbours are so intrusive that I'd sometimes like to tell them that my private life is none of their ____!"
865) Insert her, his, its or their. "Today it's Paul's birthday. It' s ____birthday".
866) Insert her, his, its or their. "It's Paula birthday. It's ______ birthday".
867) Insert its, their, her or his. "It's the dog's birthday. It's ___ birthday".
868) Insert the right possessive. "Mary has lost_____ ring".
869) Insert the right possessive. "Clark is proud of ____ new car".
870) Insert the right possessive. "We love___ little brother".

Copyright 2022 - ASSODOLAB, Associazione Nazionale Docenti di Laboratorio

Ente accreditato e qualificato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale della Scuola - Direttiva 170 del 21/03/2016.
Via Cavour, 74 - 76015 TRINITAPOLI BT - Italy
Telefono 339.2661022 - P. IVA 03039870716

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