Concorso Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli.


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

138) Complete the following sentence: "My brother, ____ lives in Switzerland, is coming to visit me".
475) Complete the following sentence: "This ticket entitles you ... a free meal ... our new restaurant".
812) Choose the best words to complete the sentence: "When I see your friend ______ him _____ you said".
106) What is the opposite of the word "boring"?
443) Complete the following sentence: "The neighbourhood isn't very interesting. I like the house, ..."
780) Fill in the blank. "He likes to ride ... his bicycle".
74) Complete the following sentence: "John has an ______ the most fantastic lies".
411) Indicare la traduzione corretta: "He is never on time":
748) Choose the words which best completes the sentence. "I can't buy a DVD player, ____".
42) Complete the following sentence: "There is very little ___ if you share a small flat with six others!"

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