Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato

INGLESE, Domande 221-230

L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.721) Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. A: "Shall we have a barbecue tomorrow?" B: "It might rain. ... do something inside instead".
2.722) What a lot of nice clothes! What would you like to try on?
2.723) Fill in the blank. "... are you leaving for the summer holidays?".
2.724) Find the opposite of the word "talkative".
2.725) Find the opposite meaning of "vivacious".
2.726) I’ve decided to go … the mountains for my holidays this year.
2.727) Oh, look! The helicopter is flying ….. The town.
2.728) ... first we didn't like each other very much, but then we became friends.
2.729) What a beautiful dress! Did you pay ... credit car?
2.730) Complete the following sentence. "We're going ... Spain for a holiday".


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