Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato

INGLESE, Domande 361-370

L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.861) Don't drink too much!'; in this sentence the verb is in the form of the ...
2.862) Complete the following sentence. "Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, ...".
2.863) The following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct alternative. "I'd like a box in chocolates please".
2.864) What does the word 'score' mean?
2.865) Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "The football match will be ... off because of the snow".
2.866) Decide which is the correct spelling of the word: 'psicologia' in English.
2.867) Fill in the blank. "The Chinese were ... the first people to drink tea".
2.868) Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "The sky was grey and it ... heavily".
2.869) Fill in the blank. "Martyn was out of breath because he ...".
2.870) The 10th of september 2008, at the end of a meeting, the commission …….. an agreement.


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