Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.784) Choose the words which best complete the following sentence. "The ... of this poisonous algae has caused the ... of many kinds of fish".
2.768) Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "Three-dimensional art forms include sculpture, architecture and ...".
2.752) Yesterday morning I ... angry because they ... late.
3.089) You have finished your homework and right now ……….. .
2.736) Fill in the blank. "I'm not very keen ... ice cream. I prefer cake".
3.073) Can I borrow your guitar for a minute, please?
2.720) Find the opposite meaning of the word "heat".
3.057) Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "... were you talking?".
2.704) The following sentence contains one or more mistakes; choose the correct alternative. "I have never and never will ask for special treatment".
3.041) I'd like to buy the scooter .......... doesn't cost too much.


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