Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.738) Our teacher speaks .........., so it's easy for us to understand.
3.043) Fill in the blank. "Do you know ... the office is?".
2.674) Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "That unpleasant man always ... hatefully".
2.979) Italy didn't win the World Football Cup, ..... ?
2.610) Choose the correct meaning of the word in square brackets. "We arrived too late. The party was [over]".
2.915) Choose the word or words which best complete the following sentence. "... gloves are not expensive".
2.546) Who's that girl …. a black T-shirt and white trousers?
2.851) Fill in the blank with the right word. "Michael is completely absorbed ... the book he is reading".
2.787) Fill in the blank. "I hate books: I have got ...".
3.092) What were you doing when Jack arrived?


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