Quiz Concorso per Dirigente Psicologo


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

150. These potatoes are very....
22. Large factories are _____________ to produce several models.
199. I _____________ not to mention it.
71. Complete the sentence with the correct preposition (referring to the context). I was (....) leave home when the phone rang.
248. I _________ studied physics if the teacher __________ interesting.
120. Complete the following sentence with the correct preposition. Don't worry, I'll be back ___ 6 o'clock.
297. Imparare a guidare è tanto difficile quanto imparare ad andare in bicicletta.
169. Complete the following sentence with the correct option. "Suspects are being charged with membership of an armed terrorist organisation and of attempting to ____ the government, using force and violence.".
41. The market demand is now _____________ due to a major slowdown.
218. Complete the following sentences: "It has always been hard for her to _________ criticism, even when it is offered in good faith"?


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