Quiz Concorso per Dirigente Psicologo


Quesiti Risposta Multipla

77. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: Police_______ two people ___ connection to a man's Death.
13. When I see James, ____________ him ___________ you said.
254. Translate into English the following comparative form: Pił duramente lavori pił soddisfazione hai nella tua vita.
190. Complete the following sentences: "It seems all children are taken with hand-held _________"?
126. Relationships between them are rather ... they do not seem to like or trust each other.
62. Complete with the correct option: You should read the book that you see someone on the train reading and trying to ___ that they're laughing.
239. The whereabouts of the exiled president remains a __________guarded secret.
175. Complete the following sentences: "small cities are..... to run .... big ones"?
111. Fill in the blank with the correct option: Somehow, people began to look to the state for their standard of living, to the state to solve their problems, rather than solving ______.
47. "I've never been to Prague." "Neither _____________.


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